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Note from the President

ivo.es The Foundation Board of Trustees Note from the President

Antonio Llombart Bosch is the Chairman of the IVO Foundation's Board of Trustees

«The Instituto Valenciano de Oncología Foundation is a private, non-profit organisation that was created in 1976 with the aim of providing assistance to cancer patients, as well as promoting the prevention of the disease, the development of research activity and teaching, and the training of oncology doctors and related specialists.

At the present time, it is an honour and a great satisfaction for me, as President of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, to be able to state that this Institution, after almost forty years at the service of society, has become a centre of reference and recognised prestige in the fight against cancer, not only nationally but also around the world.

The healthcare and scientific work carried out by the IVO staff, through clinical trials, research projects, participation in courses and congresses worldwide, teaching, and the constant effort to incorporate the most advanced technology in our facilities, have been since its origins and continue to be the great challenges of the Institution.

This task has been possible thanks to a good relationship with the Valencian Regional Ministry of Health, as well as the trust of the patients and fundamentally to the will, effort, and perseverance of each and every one of us; in particular, to the professionalism and humanity of our staff, who have made great contributions to the development of the Centre.

It is our intention to continue to progressively improve this arduous task, which forces us to adapt our knowledge and technology every day to the new requirements necessary for disease control.»

Antonio Llombart Bosch
Chairman of the IVO Foundation’s Board of Trustees