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Early Detection of Cervical Cancer

ivo.es Patient Advice Early Cancer Diagnosis Early Detection of Cervical Cancer

What is Cervical Cancer?

Cervical cancer is the world’s most common cancer in women. It is caused by infection with some types of human papilloma virus (HIV). The cure rate is 80% if detected early. There are two prevention strategies for uterine cervix cancer: Primary Prevention (HPV vaccination) and Secondary Prevention (Screening) Cervical cytology or determination of human papillomavirus (HPV) are needed for detection. Cytology is a technical procedure used for early detection of cancer (and its precancerous lesions).

Early detection program

Who is it intended for? All women over 25 from the third year of the beginning of intercourse.

Women over the age of 65 do not require screening. Cytologies should not be carried out in women who have never had sexual activity and women who have undergone operations on the uterus (hysterectomies) for benign reasons.

Regardless of the cytology exam, you should make an appointment if the following symptoms occur:

At the IVO, the early detection of cervical cancer is carried out in the Early Detection Unit II Marqués del Turia


Early Detection Unit II Marqués del Turia Adress C/ Estrella 3. Bajo. 46007 Valencia. Telephones appointment 96 341 08 30 96 342 37 36 96 380 76 56

Medical Services

The IVO's specialisation in oncology allows for a service structure organised by care areas classified according to the type of tumour

Tumour Committees

The committees are the ultimate expression of multidisciplinary medicine. They are made up of expert physicians from the main oncological specialities.