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Early detection of breast cancer

ivo.es Patient Advice Early Cancer Diagnosis Early detection of breast cancer

Society is increasingly aware of the importance of early detection in the fight against cancer.

What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is a disease in which breast cells multiply uncontrollably, becoming cancerous and leading to the appearance of a mass of transformed cells (tumor), with abnormal growth and multiplication.
Breast cancer, as we know it in most cases, is a disease that originates in the mammary gland, specifically in the ducts or tubes that carry milk to the nipple, or in the lobules, which are the glands that produce milk.
It is a disease that mostly affects women, although it can also occur in men.

Early detection program

The IVO has had an Early Detection Unit since 1982. Mammography screening is performed for early detection of breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most common female cancer. Early diagnosis in initial phases (of a palpable breast mass less than 2cm) is crucial to increase the chances of cure. Mammography is the best screening tool for breast cancer. It is a fast and easy test which analyze and evaluation breast condition. The early detection program is freely accessible to women from the age of 40 or for those of any age referred by the doctor. In the event that there are risk factors, they should be started earlier, and the specialist will be the one indicated to select the most appropriate examination and periodicity.

At the IVO, the early detection of breast cancer is carried out in the Early Detection Unit II Marqués del Turia


Early Detection Unit II Marqués del Turia Adress C/ Estrella 3. Bajo. 46007 Valencia. Telephones appointment 96 341 08 30 96 342 37 36 96 380 76 56

Medical Services

The IVO's specialisation in oncology allows for a service structure organised by care areas classified according to the type of tumour

Tumour Committees

The committees are the ultimate expression of multidisciplinary medicine. They are made up of expert physicians from the main oncological specialities.