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Home hospitalisation unit

ivo.es Home hospitalisation unit

Since 1998, the IVO has had a Home Hospitalization Unit. A team of specialized professionals, in coordination with the professionals of the hospital, visit the patient’s home to carry out social, health-care and welfare activities.

Home hospitalization is a health model capable of dispensing “a compendia of hospital-grade, in both quality and quantity, medical and nursing care to the patients in their own home, when they no longer need hospital infrastructures but still need complex assistance and active surveillance”.

Thus, a personalized service through the transfer of specialized professional to the patient’s home is offered. 

This Unit is one of several of the hospital’s Tumour Committees, where the therapeutic strategy is defined individually for each patient.

Personalised Treatment at Home

The aim is to reduce or even replace the hospital stay by bringing the patient home and caring for him/her there.


Greater participation and involvement and, therefore, increased patient and family satisfaction with the medical care.

A more humane and better support during the evolution of the disease.

Reduction in cases of hospital dependence and nosocomial infections.

Reduction in the frequency of visits to emergency rooms and inadequate hospitalization.

Support and Respect

This unit takes care of cancer patients from the hospital with diseases that range from surgical to medical in nature, both acute and worsened chronic, as well as the complications derived from cancer treatments.

It also provides palliative care for terminal patients, so they can achieve the best quality of life possible, controlling the physical and psychological symptoms, and the spiritual and social needs of patients. This way patients feel cared for, respected, accompanied and not abandoned at this stage of their illness, in the most appropriate place, the patient’s natural environment, their own home.

Paliative Care

Palliative care is based on coordinated teamwork at different levels of care to identify and provide assistance to those patients in conditions of especial frailty and to those who provide care in their family and social circle.

Home Hospitalisation Unit Medical Team


Mancheño Álvaro, Antonio

Associated Doctors

Bragado Martínez, Laura
Martín Utrilla, Salvador Andrés
Oliete Ramírez, Elena (Continuous Care)
Ruiz Ortega, Patricia