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Gastrointestinal Tract

ivo.es Gastrointestinal Tract

The IVO’s Gastrointestinal Tract Unit studies and treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, bile duct and pancreas.

The field of gastrointestinal tract medicine is closely related to other medical and surgical specialities. Therefore, it has much to offer a cancer hospital, especially endoscopy, which plays a fundamental role in dealing with tumour pathologies.

Activity of this Service

The Gastrointestinal Tract Unit deals with digestive system problems that frequently arise in cancer patients treated at the centre.

It works in close collaboration with the radiodiagnosis and laboratory services and in coordination, through the Gastrointestinal Tract Tumour Committee, with the other services of the IVO Foundation with the aim of offering the best therapeutic alternative with the fewest side effects.

During this procedure, a flexible tube is inserted via the mouth, allowing the specialist to see the inside of the oesophagus, the stomach, and the duodenum on the screen. It is used to diagnose and treat diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

The system is the same as before, but the endoscope is inserted through the anus, thus exploring the inside of the colon and the rectum (large intestine). Just like with the gastroscopy, biopsies can be taken, polyps can be excised, and bleeding lesions can be cauterised.

An examination aimed at obtaining an ultrasound image of the inside of the gastrointestinal tract as well as the surrounding structures (mediastinum, pancreatic and bile-duct areas). It is carried out using an endoscope that has an ultrasound system at the tip. The most important indications are the detection of the stages in local tumours (to see how far the tumour reaches and if it is affecting surrounding ganglia) and guided biopsy to obtain material from lesions.

Similar to the above, but for the local examination of rectal tumours, allowing the specialist to take a biopsy of any possible perirectal recurrences of previously treated tumours.

Treatments performed

  • Resection

    Endoscopic resection of polyps (preneoplastic lesions)

  • Removal

    Endoscopic removal of early stage cancer

  • Treatment

    Treatment of bleeding lesions

  • Dilation

    Stenosis dilation

  • Gastrostomy

    Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG)

Gastrointestinal Tract Service Medical Team

Heads of Section

Dr. Carmen Martínez Lapiedra

Associated Doctors

Dr. Fernando Martínez de Juan
Dr. Fernanda Maia de Alcántara