Oncological emergencies can be defined as situations where the life of the patient is at risk or where there is a severe deterioration in his or her state of health, either directly or indirectly connected with the neoplastic disease or its treatment.
When handling an emergency in a cancer patient, thought must be given to the reversibility of the process and the possibility of a cure, life expectancy, and the availability of palliative treatment.
The IVO’s accident and emergency service has a quality management system for all its processes, with the ISO 9001:2015 certification
At the Accident and Emergency Room
The emergency unit staff (doctors, nurses and orderlies) are experts in the assessment of risk/benefit that any emergency treatment for a cancer patient may have.
The Emergency Room, with full, 24-hour-a-day coverage, attends to all the hospital’s emergencies with the support of the PACU and Critical Care staff, as well as the rest of the medical professionals from the different specialities.
Emergency Room Service Medical Team
Associated Doctors
Dr. Cabrera Hernández, José Juan
Dra. Contreras Samamé, Janet Angelina
Dra. Donosos María Josefina
Dr. Ferrando Pastor, José Julio
Dra. Anaximenes Alexis Lugo Dorante
Dr. Samper Hiraldo, Josefa Margarita
Dra. Analía Ninacuri Sevilla
Dra. Pardo Sere, Julia
Dr. Perez Lafargue, israel