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Ear, nose and throat

ivo.es Ear, nose and throat

The Ear, Nose & Throat Service provides comprehensive care for patients with cancer of the head and neck..

The pathologies that are treated in the service are: sinus and sinus passage tumours (including those at the base of the skull); tumours of outer, middle and inner ear; tumours of the oral cavity and pharynx, advanced lip and skin tumours; tumours of the larynx; tumours of the salivary glands; tumours of thyroid gland and parathyroid tumours; and neck tumours.

Specialists from this service are members of the hospital’s Head and Neck Tumour Committee

The head and neck tumour committee deals with laryngeal cancer, thyroid cancer and other cancers

When malignant tumour cells affect the larynx, this involves cancer of the larynx.

Lumps or nodules may appear in the thyroid. They may correspond to benign (or non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous) tumours.

Expertise and Experience

The ENT Service at the IVO has positioned itself at the cutting edge of the national and international panorama, receiving patients from other autonomous communities and countries, thanks to their skill, experience and the use of modern diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, including:

  • Surgical treatments

    Function-conservative surgical treatments, with brachytherapy or external beam radiation therapy techniques.

  • Organ-Preserving Treatments

    Organ-preserving treatments using chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

  • Partial resection techniques

    Partial resection techniques to conserve function, reserving chemotherapy and radiation therapy for possible reappearances of the disease.

  • Radical resection

    Radical resection of the tongue, pharynx, larynx and oesophagus.

  • Reconstructions

    Classic reconstructions are performed with pediculated flaps, and also modern reconstruction techniques with microvascular free flaps for large head and neck resection.

  • Thyroid gland surgery

    Thyroid and parathyroid gland surgery with minimal incisions, monitoring of nerves (recurrent and facial). A gamma camera is available for parathyroid detection.

  • Procedures on the anterior, middle and posterior of the skull base

    In collaboration with the Neurosurgery Department, procedures are done on the anterior, middle and posterior of the skull base. It also uses an endoscopic approach to midline tumours of the skull base.

ENT Service Medical Team

Head of service

Dr. Juan Bosco Vendrell Marqués

Head of section

Dr. Eduardo Ferrandis Pereperez

Associated Doctors

Dr. Simón Brotons Durbán
Dr. Ángel Pla Mocholí