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Robot-Assisted Surgery

ivo.es Treatment Surgery Robot-Assisted Surgery

The da Vinci Xi robot, the most sophisticated and innovative minimally invasive surgery technology available, represents a breakthrough for oncological surgery.

Cancer-related interventions are the most complex surgical procedures, and robotic technology offers great advantages for both the patient and the surgeon.

The IVO has the latest model of the da Vinci Xi platform, making it one of the few Spanish hospitals to have the complete set of equipment.

Da Vinci Xi Robotic Surgery

This is the da Vinci Xi robot

Graphics by: Pedro Jiménez

Surgical Console

The surgical console is the control centre from which the surgeon operates, moving the robot’s arms while observing the inside of the patient through the 3D viewer.

In addition, the camera and arm changes can be controlled using the foot pedals. 

The console allows the surgeon to be seated during long and complicated operations that require a lot of attention.

Graphics by: Pedro Jiménez

Controllers, viewer and foot pedals

The surgeon controls the robotic arms from the manual controls. These replicate precisely the same movements that the surgeon performs.

From the viewer, the surgeon can see all the details of the operation in 3D and high definition. This provides greater precision and allows for highly complex surgeries to be performed.

The foot pedals are used as a clutch to toggle between arms, activate the tissue cutting and coagulation function, and to control the endoscopic camera.

Graphics by: Pedro Jiménez

Trocars and camera

Change instruments without removing the trocars.

With a minimal incision, it is possible to reach a depth of up to 20 centimetres. 

The endoscopic camera on one of the arms has two lenses and produces 3D images.

Graphics by: Pedro Jiménez


In a robotic surgery procedure with the da Vinci Xi robot, an anaesthesiologist, a scrub nurse, an assistant surgeon, and the head surgeon who will be in charge of the surgical console are required. 

The image below shows the usual layout of such an operation. 

Graphics by: Pedro Jiménez


The IVO performs operations for prostate, kidney, colon and rectal cancers. 

Graphics by: Pedro Jiménez


Better visualisation of the surgical field and improved ergonomics for more precision.

Graphics by: Pedro Jiménez